1 Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_208e_0.MYI' (Errcode: 28 - No space left on device)
[select distinct p.products_id, p.products_type, p.master_categories_id, p.manufacturers_id, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, pd.products_description, IF(s.status = 1, s.specials_new_products_price, NULL) as specials_new_products_price, IF(s.status =1, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price) as final_price, p.products_sort_order, p.product_is_call, p.product_is_always_free_shipping, p.products_qty_box_status, f.status as featured_status, s.status as special_status from products_description pd, products p left join manufacturers m on p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id, products_to_categories p2c left join specials s on p2c.products_id = s.products_id left join featured f on p2c.products_id = f.products_id where p.products_status = 1 and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and pd.products_id = p2c.products_id and pd.language_id = '1' and p.products_id in (47405, 47406, 47407, 47408, 47409, 47410, 47411, 47412, 47413, 47414, 47416, 47417, 47418, 47419, 47420, 47421, 47422, 47423, 47424, 47425, 47426, 47427, 47428, 47429, 47430, 47431, 47432, 47433, 47434, 47446, 47447, 47448, 47449, 47450, 47451, 47452, 47453, 47454, 47457, 47458, 47459, 47460, 47461, 47462, 47463, 47464, 47465, 47467, 47468, 47469, 47479, 47480, 47481, 47482, 47483, 47484, 47485, 47487, 51030, 51031, 51032, 51033, 51034, 51035, 51036, 51038, 51039, 51040, 51041, 51042, 51043, 51044, 51045, 51046, 51047, 51048, 51049, 51050, 51051, 51052, 51053, 51054, 51055, 51056, 51057, 51058, 51059, 51060, 51061, 51062, 51063, 51064, 51065, 51066, 51067, 51068, 51069, 51070, 51071, 51072, 51073, 51074, 51075, 51076, 51077, 51078, 51079, 55514, 55515, 55516, 55517, 55518, 55519, 55522, 55524, 55525, 55526, 55527, 55528, 55529, 55530, 55535, 55536, 55537, 55538, 55539, 55540, 55541, 55543, 55544, 55545, 55546, 55547, 55549, 55550, 55551, 55552, 55553, 55554, 55555, 55556, 55557, 55559, 55560, 55561, 55562, 55563, 55564, 55566, 55567, 55568, 55569, 55570, 55571, 55572, 55573, 55574, 55575, 55576, 55577, 55578, 55579, 55580, 55581, 55582, 55583, 55584, 55585, 55586, 55587, 55588, 55589, 55590, 55591, 55592, 55593, 55594, 55595, 55596, 55597, 55598, 55599, 55600, 55601, 55602, 55603, 55604, 55605, 55606, 55607, 55625, 55626, 55627, 55628, 55629, 55630, 55631, 55632, 55633, 55634, 55635, 55636, 55637, 55645, 55646, 55647, 55648, 55649, 55650, 55651, 55652, 55653, 55654, 55655, 55656, 55657, 55658, 55659, 55660, 55661, 55662, 55663, 55664, 60863, 60864, 60865, 60866, 60867, 60868, 60869, 60870, 60871, 61474, 61475, 61477, 61481, 61485, 61486, 61487, 61488, 61490, 61638, 61639, 61640, 61641, 61642, 61643, 61644, 61645, 61646, 61647, 61648, 61649, 61650, 61651, 61652, 61653, 61654, 61655, 61656, 61660, 61720, 61721, 61722, 61725, 61726, 61727, 61728, 61729, 61730, 61731, 61732, 61733, 61734, 61735, 61736, 61737, 61738, 61739, 61740, 61741, 61742, 61743, 61746, 61747, 61748, 61749, 61750, 61751, 61752, 61753, 61754, 61756, 61757, 61758, 61791, 61792, 61793, 61794, 61795, 61796, 61797, 61798, 61799, 61800, 61801, 61802, 61803, 61804, 61805, 61806, 61807, 61810, 61811, 61812, 66651, 66652, 66653, 66654, 66655, 66656, 66657, 66658, 66659, 66660, 66661, 66662, 66663, 66664, 66665, 66666, 66667, 66668, 66669, 66670, 66671, 66672, 66673, 66674, 66675, 66676, 66677, 66678, 66679, 66680, 66681, 66682, 66683, 66684, 66685, 66686, 66687, 66688, 66689, 66690, 66691, 66692, 66693, 66694, 66695, 66696, 66697, 66698, 66699, 66700, 66701, 66702, 66703, 66704, 66705, 66706, 66707, 66708, 66709, 66710, 66711, 66712, 66713, 66714, 66715, 66716)]